Tuesday, March 24, 2015

General Strategies on Twitter

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By Georg Grey  |   
In order for you to build a lasting influence on Twitter you have to do three things:
a.) entertain
b.) inform
c.) pursue your agenda
On Twitter, you want to be different, you want to be remembered, you want to provide your followers with a diversity of tweets. There is nothing more tedious than a Republican bashing the Democrats or a Democrat bashing the Republicans in every tweet. Doing that, or something similar, makes you very predictive, and the only response you elicit from your followers is "Ah, here he/she goes again." They might not even read your updates, because they at least feel that they know what they are about anyway.
People (and not only those on Twitter) love to be entertained. There is nothing better than a chuckle that escapes you when you see a funny update. And you want those funny updates on YOUR timeline.
I've had very many users telling me over the years that, when they feel down or are simply having a bad day, they go to my profile page, because they know that there they will find something that will make them laugh. That's what you call in marketing terms 'brand recognition', and that's where you want to be headed.
So create those funny updates, short proverbs, things that don't have anything to do with you, your political leanings or your agenda. Your followers are going to love you for it.
In order for you to be successful on Twitter you have to offer something of value to your followers, and by the nature of Twitter (and the Internet per se) this added value comes in the form of information.
I'm sure there is some area in your life where you are an expert.
An expert is not defined by diplomas and official documents. I'm saying this because you might believe that you don't qualify for the 'title' of expert. You are, I'm sure of it. And if you are not, become one. Find that area that interests YOU and research it. Give format to your knowledge.
In other words, define your niche.
And then offer that information to your followers - they're going to love you for it.
Twitter is about getting and providing information of all types, that's what makes it so attractive. Every major (and not so major) news outlet on the surface of this earth has a presence on Twitter. They provide you basically with a headline in their tweet and a link to the article that covers the story. As with a headline in a physical newspaper in the offline world, it's supposed to entice you to read the whole story.
You want to come across as an expert in your chosen field, which implies that you are knowledgeable and know your subject in depth. And that should be confirmed by the kinds of 'headlines' you put in your updates, and the accompanying link that leads to a website or a blog that covers the topic in a manner that's consistent with your kind of thinking. It does not have to be your own blog, or your own website. Let's take again the example of you being an SEO specialist. You obviously know many of the relevant blogs or people who deal with SEO.
So whenever you read something interesting, put it out there, in your timeline. Choose a catchy headline (or, lacking that, simply use the title of the blog entry), and include the link to that blog.
You might ask, hey, why should I drive traffic to somebody else's blog? In the final analysis I'm here to pursue my agenda. But that's exactly what you are doing, see, you provide your followers with information about the subject that's close to your (and their) hearts, and they will thank you for it.
Besides, to start with you might not be in a position to put your own blog out there.
Pursue Your Agenda
Let me make it clear here that there is absolutely nothing wrong with having an agenda on Twitter. Everybody has one, whether they are aware of it or not, online and offline. I just don't believe it has to be a hidden one, particularly from yourself.
So grab a pen and paper, move away from your computer for a couple of minutes, and write down on that paper your 'why'. 'Why' are you investing time and effort on your Twitter account, what goals do you want to accomplish?
Be clear about it, be concise, don't feel awkward. See yourself as on a mission, and write down that mission statement for your activities on Twitter!
And then promote that! Yes, it's as simple as that, every four or five tweets it's perfectly alright to say in one form or another 'Hey, this is what I want!'
So get it out there! Put out the link to the book you've just published and are so proud of. Put out the link to the crowd funding campaign you've just started in order to help small bookstores in your area. Invite everybody to join your newsletter, if you have one. Heck, go out and ask everybody to vote Democrats, Republicans, whoever is out there. It is your agenda, and it's yours to promote.
You see, and that's why this strategy works so well, people don't mind at all to see what you have to offer or what you want them to buy, as long as it is embedded in a stream of tweets that yes, includes entertainment and information. In other words, tweets that are interesting.

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